High-quality, custom-made mouthguards
Well fitted, custom made mouthguards can prevent many injuries commonly seen in
sports for children and adults.
Generally, a mouthguard will cover the upper teeth and offers protection for teeth, tongue, gums and cheeks.
What should a mouthguard do?
A well-fitted mouthguard from an Our Medical dentist should be comfortable, durable and easy to clean and allow you to speak and breath easily.
How long does it take?
Patients can expect to wait between 7 to 14 days for their mouthguard to be
delivered. Our mouthguards are made at a professional dental laboratory that
specializes in contact sport mouthguards.
How much does it cost?
At Our Medical, we have 2 and 3 layer mouthguards available. Our dentists will
advise which mouthguard is suitable.
Prices start at $200 for our 2 layer, high-quality mouthguards. Health rebates may be available.
Can I personalize my mouthguard?
Patients may choose from a range of colours and a name and phone number may
be printed on the inside of the mouthguard itself, for peace of mind.
For more information, contact your nearest clinic.