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Combatting the Dreaded 'Winter Fatigue'

Combatting the Dreaded 'Winter Fatigue'

11th Jun 2024

Winter has a sneaky way of creeping up on us, bringing with it colder temperatures, shorter days, and the inevitable onset of 'Winter fatigue'. But could there be a scientific reason why we’re more tired during Winter?

Winter has a sneaky way of creeping up on us, bringing with it colder temperatures, shorter days, and the inevitable onset of 'Winter fatigue'. But could there be a scientific reason why we’re more tired during Winter?

More Melatonin

As the sun sets earlier, our bodies kick into melatonin overdrive. While melatonin is crucial for regulating sleep, excess amounts of melatonin can leave us feeling increasingly tired, fatigued, and even disrupting our mood.

Decreasing Vitamin D

Shorter Winter days bring less sunlight, resulting in our Vitamin D levels taking a nosedive. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps to maintain energy levels. There are numerous studies that suggest Vitamin D deficiency may cause fatigue and disturb our sleep.

Exercise? What's That?

When it's cold outside, the last thing you feel like doing is hitting the gym. However, skipping the physical activity only amplifies fatigue levels. It's a vicious cycle: the less we move, the more tired we feel, and the less motivated we become.

Peak Cold & Flu Season The peak cold and flu season during the Winter months brings dreaded symptoms like tiredness and fatigue. Why? When you’re sick with a cold or the flu, your immune system has to work harder, using a lot of your body’s available energy to fight off the virus.

Staying on top of your overall health & wellbeing is one of the best ways to avoid the seasonal slump. Here are some of our top tips:

Soak Up Some Sun

Make a conscious effort to soak up some sunlight whenever you can. Whether it's a short walk during your lunch break or seizing the opportunity to get outdoors on weekends, getting your dose of vitamin D can work wonders for your mood.

Prioritise Rest Ensure you get the right amount of rest each night by using the shorter days as an excuse to get to bed earlier. Making the most of those extra hours of sleep will leave you feeling well-rested the next morning.

Fuel Your Body

Boost your energy and immunity through healthy eating habits. Incorporate fresh produce into your diet during the winter months to give your body the essential vitamins and nutrients it needs to thrive.

Arm Yourself Against Illness

Protect yourself, your immunity, and your loved ones from unnecessary sickness and sniffles this winter by getting a flu vaccine.

If you need to speak to a GP about your energy levels, Our Medical is here to support you every day from to 10pm. Our bulk billing GPs can provide guidance tailored to your individual needs and discuss any potential health issues that may be contributing to your fatigue.

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