• Radiology

Our Medical Radiology - Bulk billed X-ray, CT Scans and Ultrasounds*

Our Medical Radiology - Bulk billed X-ray, CT Scans and Ultrasounds*

16th Apr 2024

At Our Medical, we believe that everyone has the right to access quality comprehensive healthcare services, when and where they need it.

Open 8am-6pm, 7 days, All Our Medical Radiology clinics are conveniently co-located within Our Medical centres offering patients bulk billed x-ray, ultrasound*, OPG and CT scans.

Walk-ins Welcome

No appointment is required for most radiology services, meaning patients can simply walk-in when they require an examination. However, a limited number of examinations will require an appointment, so it’s recommended to call the radiology clinic first, to confirm. Bookings can be made online here.

All Referrals Accepted

You are welcome to use a referral to another radiology service at Our Medical Radiology. Provided it’s a valid referral from your doctor or other healthcare practitioner, the service will still be Medicare bulk billed.

Bulk Billed CT Scans

Ideal for adults and children alike, Our Medical Radiology offers a full range of bulk billed CT scans using the latest patient-centric technology, which is more calming for patients and low dose while delivering the highest image quality.

Bulk Billed Ultrasound

Our Medical Radiology offers a complete range of ultrasound services including abdominal, pelvic, obstetric and interventional. Ultrasound services are available by appointment from Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. All ultrasounds, except obstetric, are Medicare bulk-billed. Obstetric, musculoskeletal and interventional ultrasounds may incur a fee.

Bulk Billed X-Ray & Dental X-Ray (OPG)

We use the latest, low-dose technology without compromising on image quality. All x-rays, including OPG dental x-rays, are Medicare bulk billed. Our Medical Radiology is also an nib first choice preferred provider. International visitors or students that have health insurance with nib may be eligible for 'no gap' diagnostic scan.

*obstetric, musculoskeletal and interventional ultrasounds may incur a fee